Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Story - 10 Commandments Create a Little Heaven on Earth

Focus Passage Exodus 15-40, Leviticus

 It seems like a picture out of one of those epic movies. A half million ragtag refugees come out of Egypt into the desert. They have no rules and no real leadership as they flee the land that their God has just punished with ten plagues. They have freedom, but they are not a nation. God leads them to the sacred mountain where He will plant three seeds that are needed to build a community. By the time that they get to the Promised Land, they will have the tools that they need to build a lasting society that will become a powerful people. This is the story of the transformation from exodus exiles to one nation under God.

  • Creating community Exodus 18:18 - The line of needy people stretched over a football field long every morning as people came to Moses for help and for guidance. God’s first task is to create a caring community and the structure to go with it. There will be leaders over thousands, hundreds and tens. Loving neighborhoods will be created so that people can care for each other. It is the beginning of the modern church working together for common goals for the benefit of all.

  • Recreating Eden Exodus 20:3 - Yet, what does that good life look like? God gives His vision of what that society looks like. They are a people with a relationship to God as they create a Sabbath to rest in Him and they respect His name. They are a people who think about others so that they don’t steal, hurt or lie about their neighbor. It is a return to the principles of the Garden of Eden. If the nation will live by these truths, they will live in harmony with one another and will have a life filled with joy.

  • Centered on God Exodus 25:8 - The final part of God’s vision for the nation was to have God dwelling in their midst. The tabernacle is built right in the middle of their camp. They will build a relationship with God so that they depend on Him and can become a godly community. God is not to be on the edge of their lives, but will be the center of their lives. They have a God who will provide for them and care for them. It will be like having a little heaven on earth.

People often call the Ten Commandments, the “thou shalt nots”. I think that is because we often chaff under the rules and want freedom to do whatever we want. Yet as we look around, third world nations where there are no rules are places where every man lives in fear and must fend for himself. God wants something better. He pictures a nation where everyone has each other’s backs. People were there when you were sick and helped you with tasks that were hard for you. People had deep friendships and laughed and cried together. In their midst was a God who used His power for His people. Such a world is still possible for us. We have God’s vision of what the world should look like. Those who live in that vision will find a bit of heaven here on earth. They will thrive while others struggle. They will survive while others around them perish. It is still God’s vision for happiness given to His church.

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