Saturday, September 19, 2015

"Super Church": 3 Super Abundance

Focus passage: 2 Cor. 9:6-15

There never seems to be enough. We save and save, but will there be enough for retirement? We work hard but always wonder if the kids can go to college. Suddenly, the offering plate comes around on Sunday and we feel like we have little to give. We are consumed by worry instead of being freed by a faith that believes that the Lord will provide for our needs.
While the Macedonians of Northern Greece gave generously to help the Palestinian Christians, the people of Corinth in Southern Greece struggled to give. Paul writes to them to help them see how they are hurting themselves and preventing God from blessing them. How can they expect God to take care of them if they will not let God use them to help others?

  • Stingy people harvest little v.6 Farmers can’t afford to be stingy with the seed. They sow their seed generously and lavish fertilizer on it as well because they know that this is the only way to have a bountiful harvest. Those who never seem to have enough don’t share with others. They are stingy with their possessions resulting in fewer friendships and accomplishments in life. As they hold onto their money so tightly, they find their personal harvest gets smaller and smaller because they don’t allow God to bring results through them.

  • Wrong motives harvest little v.7 Yet, you can’t get greedy with God. You can’t give just so others will give back to you. The Macedonians gave joyfully from the heart pleading with Paul for the opportunity to give. Our gifts are a thank you to the Lord for all that He has given to us. They are motivated by love for Him and a concern for others who are struggling. People in need become an opportunity for God to bless us even more so that we have the resources to help those who are struggling. Giving with thanks gives us more to thank God for.

  • Hesitant people harvest little v. 8 We often make excuses why we can’t help others. We may think that we have to wait till we have more money or that the time is right. Yet, the Lord is presenting us with opportunities to help others every day. Hesitant people miss them. They miss the next door neighbor who is struggling or the coworker who could just use someone to take them out for a cup of coffee and listen to their hurts. Giving blesses the giver and the recipient. Opportunities abound and are just waiting for someone to respond.

Generosity opens us up to receive more from the Lord. God has a ministry and will supply what is needed to those who are actively helping others. He will provide for their needs so that they have plenty for others. Those who worry about having enough will find that they never have enough to start giving to others. Those who trust the Lord will find that God’s supply is sufficient and they will see the future differently. They trust the Lord to provide what they need and what they need for the opportunities that the Lord will continue to give them in life. 

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